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Grants & Awards

Sept 18-Oct 4

ArtPrize proudly presents over $600,000 in grant opportunities and awards for 2024.



All the buzz, all the excitement—all the creative energy crackling through venues and city streets—culminates in the awards themselves. 

Artists are the beating heart that makes the ArtPrize experience possible, and one of the great joys of the event is recognizing their extraordinary talents and rewarding the most exceptional among them. 

As an open, international art competition, our core mission is to elevate and celebrate amazing art, making Grand Rapids a premier destination for the arts community. This year, we’ll honor outstanding artists by awarding a total of $390,000 in prizes.

    Public Vote Grand Prize: $125,000

    This is the headliner. The prize that gave ArtPrize its name. 

    Because the 700,000 visitors who experience ArtPrize do so not only as spectators but as judges. They drive the conversation. They cast their votes. And from among all the entries across all the categories, they change the life of one gifted artist by choosing the one that wowed them the most.

    The Grand Prize Award is determined by the general public who cast their votes on eligible ArtPrize entries spanning across all categories of art and design throughout the duration of the event, taking place September 13, 2024September 28, 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is a publicly juried prize, recognizing the aesthetic opinion of over 700,000 attendees. 

      View 2023 Winners.

      Public Vote Awards—Category: (6) $10,000 awards

      From its inception, ArtPrize revolutionized the idea of an art festival by democratizing it. And that’s as true today as ever.

      This year, we feature six categories of entries. That means the public will vote for its favorites in each, awarding six different prizes of $10,000. Art comes in many forms, and we’re here to celebrate a brilliant creative array.

      ArtPrize will award $10,000 based on the top publicly voted entry within each of six categories: 2D, 3D, Installation, Time-Based, New Media, and +Design.

      (For detailed category information, please visit our FAQ page.)

        Artist to Artist Award: $10,000

        Few things mean more than respect from one’s peers. Which is why we’re thrilled to bring back the Artist to Artist Award for 2024. This year’s cohort of artists will cast votes to recognize one of their own, conferring $10,000 to an entry of exceptional prowess.

        Yes, ArtPrize is a competition. But at its heart it’s also a community.

        ArtPrize creates a convergence of incredibly talented individuals from all over the world to share their creative visions with the public, the jury, and each other. ArtPrize is excited for this year’s cohort of artists and designers to cast their own votes and collectively confer one of their peers this $10,000 award in recognition of exceptional merit and skill. 

          Juried Visibility Awards: (5) $15,000 awards

          Presented by:

          ArtPrize is a platform on which artists and their work can be seen, appreciated, and celebrated. And we want that to be especially true for those from underrepresented communities.

          The five Visibility Awards shine a spotlight on exceptional work by Artists of diverse backgrounds. Selected by an equally diverse group of jurors, these awards strive to showcase the broad range of experience and expertise participants bring to enrich our annual event.

          A select panel of jurists will recognize five entries by artists from underrepresented communities to be recognized for excellence in their work and exceptional execution of their vision. A representative group of national jurists will consider the work of all eligible entriesBIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and artists with disabilitiesto select five winning entries.

            Juried Grand Prize: $50,000

            Just as the public has its say, so do the experts.

            We’re once again inviting a group of notables from the world of art to honor works of exemplary merit. And from among the elite works in each category, these experts will convene to determine a single winner—the best of the best—as the recipient of the $50,000 Juried Grand Prize.

            Along with public and peer selected winning entries, ArtPrize engages a select group of notable critics, curators, educators, and gallerists to consider all entries and select one outstanding Artist’s work to be recognized as the Juried Grand Prize selection.

              Juried Awards—Category: (6) $10,000 awards

              +Design category and +Design juried category award presented by:

              Haworth black logo

              For each of the six categories, one juror from that respective field—a critic, curator, educator, or gallerists—will select a work of exemplary merit for a $10,000 prize.

              Sometimes, the public and the experts agree on a work of art. Sometimes, they don’t. But the conversations that arise among all involved are an invaluable feature of the ArtPrize experience.

              Jurors within their respective field of artistic expertise will select winners who are outstanding within each category to be recognized with a $10,000 award and recognition of artistic excellence.

              The categories are as follows. (For more detailed category information, visit our FAQ page.)

              • 2-D – Entries that exist primarily on a flat plane

              • 3-D – Entries that occupy space and are intended to be viewed from multiple angles

              • Time-Based – Entries that are durational and change over time

              • Installation – Entries that are dependent on the site in which they are installed

              • New Media Entries that are created using a wide range of emerging digital art technologies

              • +Design Entries that are physical expressions of purpose with the intent to impact the way life is experienced

              View 2023 Juried Winners.

              Outstanding Venue Award: $10,000

              The annual ArtPrize event is really a constellation of venues, and this year, we want to recognize the brightest star among them. A $10,000 award will go to the venue that best displays thoughtful curation, features talented artists from across categories, and that uses their space in ways that encourage delight and discovery for visitors.

              While ArtPrize jurors tour the city looking for the best entries to award prizes, they'll also look for the most Outstanding Venue. That means looking for venues that display thoughtful curation, engaging talented artists across all categories, and exemplify the spirit of ArtPrizea creative use of space that displays sheer visual talent and spurs discovery.


                This suite of new, transmuted, and returning grant programs are intended to bring a dynamic and diverse range of art and design to ArtPrize this fall. These grants are highly competitive and look to support talented local, regional, and international artists and designers of all disciplines. This page will continue to be updated as we share additional grant information and opportunities.

                Explore further details about the 2024 grants below.

                  HBA Pekich Park Grant

                  Heartside Business Association Logo

                  Grant Applications Open: May 16
                  Grant Applications Close: June 12

                  The Heartside Business Association Grant intends to help an ArtPrize artist bring their vision to life for the 2024 ArtPrize event at Pekich Park. HBA seeks an artist or collaborative group to submit their ArtPrize entry to be considered for a $2,000 grant to help supplement the costs associated with fabrication, shipping, installation, travel/stay, and any other expenses related to their entry. Please note that this grant is for an outdoor entry and thus the entry must withstand the elements.

                  Before filling out the HBA Pekich Park Grant application, we encourage you to review our HBA Pekich Park Grant Informational Sheet for information regarding required application materials, the application, and review processes.

                  The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Future Public Projects

                    Grant Applications Open: March 14
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31

                    ArtPrize seeks the next Alexander Calder.

                    ArtPrize is excited to introduce Future Public Projects. The Future Public Projects program is a new opportunity for artists interested in creating new permanent public artworks to be installed in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.

                    Future Public Projects is a new opportunity for artists to share their proposals for a permanent public work to be installed in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This grant serves to assist artists in fabricating maquettes of their proposed sculptural works. The constructed maquettes of the work will be entered into the 2024 ArtPrize competition to be voted on and engaged with by the public and jury.

                    One artist will be selected from a pool of finalists to move forward with construction of a full-scale monumental public sculpture slated to be installed in 2025. Additional details are to come. 

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Hero Project

                    Grant Applications Open: March 14
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31

                    Do you have a project or idea that is larger than life that would be an incredible addition to the ArtPrize event? We want to hear all about it.

                    ArtPrize is excited to introduce a new opportunity for artists whose ideas may fall outside of the parameters of our other grants but would be remarkable additions to the event. Whether it be dynamic live performances, innovative installations, public events, or any other ambitious and imaginative endeavors, we invite you to share your vision with us, along with the resources you need to bring it to fruition. This grant is not medium- or site-specific, and applications from artists working in all categories (2D, 3D, Installation, Time-Based, New Media, and +Design) are encouraged.

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Artist Seed Grant

                    Grant Applications Open: April 11
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31

                    Artist Seed Grants return.

                    Since 2016, ArtPrize Artist Seed Grants have helped artists from around the world bring their visions to life and exhibit those works at ArtPrize. We're excited to continue our Seed Grant program in 2024 and support another group of passionate and ambitious artists and designers as they continue to inspire the community, further the conversation about the importance of art in the world today, and join us in creating a world-class exhibition.

                    Artist Seed Grants are intended to assist emerging artists and designers bring their work to the 2024 ArtPrize event. These $2,000 grants help cover costs associated with the creation of the artwork and the logistic needs of bringing the work and artist to the event. Artist Seed Grants help to keep ArtPrize accessible to artists from all over the world and in all stages of their careers.

                    New this year, ArtPrize is restructuring grant fund distribution across each entry category. Funds will be allocated to support five artists from each category:

                    • 2D (painting/photos/'traditional' art)

                    • 3D (sculpture and related entries)

                    • Installation (immersive art experiences)

                    • Time-Based (performance based artworks)

                    • New Media (renaming of Digital art category)

                    • +Design (new concept for 2024)

                    *All Artist Seed Grant applicants must be registered as an ArtPrize 2024 Artist before submitting their grant application. Applications from Artists not registered as an ArtPrize 2024 Artist will not be considered. Learn more about registration here.

                    Grant funds will be provided to selected Artists to offset some of all costs associated with:

                    • Creation of work

                    • Framing/display needs

                    • Special permitting

                    • Maintenance of installation during the event

                    • Transportation of work to and from the event

                    • Transportation and lodging of Artists during the event

                    • Unique needs of the Art/Artist/Exhibition

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Venue Exhibition Grant

                    Grant Applications Open: April 11
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31

                    ArtPrize is excited to offer registered venues the opportunity to apply for grant funding to support their curated exhibitions for the 2024 event. This grant is meant to help offset some of the costs associated with curating a dynamic venue and exhibiting multiple presenting artists. Each venue who receives this grant will also be eligible to receive one complimentary artist registration to support their exhibition.

                    The funds awarded through these grants can be utilized for various purposes, including but not limited to:

                    • Artist registration fees

                    • Rentals of installation equipment such as trucks, lifts, and cranes

                    • Installation of display elements to better showcase work in your space, such as gallery walls, track lighting, or audio/visual equipment necessary to exhibit participating artist’s entries

                    • Art handling to ensure the proper care and presentation of exhibited works

                    • Art shipping and transportation logistics

                    • Special permitting fees

                    • Unique needs of the art/artist/exhibitions

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Motu Viget Grant

                    Presented by:

                    Grant Applications Open: April 11th
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31st

                    ArtPrize is proud to support local artists.

                    Introduced in 2023, this grant program is intended to support the incredible creative talent found locally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This grant will award one local artist or designer $3,000 from each entry category (2D, 3D, Installation, Time-Based, New Media, +Design). We are proud to support our local artists showcased among national and international talent.

                    *All Motu Viget applicants must be registered as an ArtPrize 2024 artist before submitting their grant application. Applications from Artists not registered as an ArtPrize 2024 artist will not be considered. Learn more about registration here.

                    Grant funds will be provided to selected Artists to offset costs associated with:

                    • Creation of work

                    • Framing/display needs

                    • Special permitting

                    • Maintenance of installation during the event

                    • Transportation of work to and from the event

                    • Transportation and lodging of artists during the event

                    • Unique needs of the art/artist/exhibition

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Sculpture Grant

                    Presented by:

                    Grant Applications Open: April 11th
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31st

                    ArtPrize is seeking exceptional sculptural work for interior and exterior exhibition in both public spaces and our participating venues.

                    ArtPrize will solicit and underwrite the exhibition of qualified, existing, sculptural works on a national and international level to receive (4) grants of $5,000 each to offset logistics, installation, and exhibition of significant work exhibiting in the 3D category. International artists may be eligible for an additional $2,500 in grant support to offset logistics and travel costs.

                    Grant funds will be provided to selected Artists to offset costs associated with:

                    • Transportation and logistics of installation

                    • Display/exhibiting needs

                    • Special permitting

                    • Maintenance of installation during the event

                    • Transportation and lodging of artists during the event

                    • Unique needs of the art/artist/exhibition

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    Other Opportunities: Request for Qualifications for Digital Animation and Projection Mapping

                    Grant Applications Open: April 11th
                    Grant Applications Close: May 31st

                    This is an open call for artists with the intent to seek a broad response from diverse, established, and accomplished creators. 

                    ArtPrize and our project partners are seeking to commission a digital animator, designer, or collaborative group, to ideate and complete an animated digital concept for a large-format public exhibit (“Exhibit”) during ArtPrize 2024. We are seeking qualificationsartists’ experience and representative portfolios for considerationfrom digital art creators with demonstrated capacity to imagine, create, and complete a significant, representational, and durable artistic expression that will be visually impactful, engaging, and immersive. Click here for more information.

                    • The application period for this grant is now closed.

                    The ArtPrize Team, Community Partners, and Steering Committee pledges to continue to raise its standard of creative excellence and remains steadfast in its commitment to maintaining ArtPrize as a dynamic platform for the exhibition of artwork and designs from across the globe.
                    By conducting a highly competitive selection process to actively support a diverse group of art and artists within the grant program, we believe this will enhance the overall quality of the annual ArtPrize event. All grant applications will be reviewed by the ArtPrize Exhibitions Council, ArtPrize staff, and external individuals as required by partnership agreements.

                      Devos Place Logo
                      Devos Place Logo
                      Devos Place Logo